The lives and educational paths of Vishal Jeyam, Jonathan Holland and Tanya Apurva may differ, but for these three, data is the common denominator.
Vishal Jeyam is spending his internship at the Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield Integration Hub. The database intern is from Fayetteville and is the son of Latha Jeyam and Jeyamkondan Subbiah. He is working on two proof of concept python scripts. One is an ingestion script that combines multiple databases into a singular one based on an “id” and “history”. The other, an Apache Confluent-Kafka consumer script, reads and processes events, logging each record and when there is an outlier event, alerting the team to resolve the issue.
Vishal is a junior majoring in computer science at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. He aims to work in database history, determining the source of data.
“Hopefully, this experience at Arkansas Blue Cross will lead me to a better decision for my future,” he said, adding that he hopes to work on projects that give him experience with databases and will aid in his future endeavors.
Intern Jonathan Holland graduated earlier this year from Harding University in Searcy with a degree in computer science. He is from Searcy and is the son of Beth and Jason Holland.
He wants to work at a company where he can use his skills to help the business grow.
The intern program here is utterly fantastic,” Jonathan said. “And the executives, my coworkers and supervisors – pretty much everyone here – are very friendly and kind.”
Tanya Apurva is spending her internship at Arkansas Blue Cross in the data governance division, collecting data from various sources and updating the metadata portal, a centralized data governance tool which represents the metadata and data quality throughout the company.
She is from Patna, Bihar, India, and is the daughter of Sangita and Ranjan Kumar Singh. She will receive her master’s degree in information quality from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock this December.
“I aspire to become a manager who directs multiple projects and contributes toward a company’s success,” Tanya said.
Welcome, Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield summer interns!