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Helping Arkansans Weather the Storm

After tornados devastated parts of central and northeast Arkansas on March 31, 2023, Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield employees stepped up to help our neighbors.

Employees volunteered their time and energy in the immediate days and weeks after the storm. They sorted donations at the Emergency Operation Center in Little Rock just days after the tornado, worked to clear out homes and yards in some of the hardest hit areas in Jacksonville, created boxes to meet survivors’ essential needs at the FEMA command center in North Little Rock; and provided lunch to 75 volunteers helping with tornado clean up in Wynne.

Employees also pitched in financially, donating to the company’s Take Good Care of Arkansas Tornado Survivors account. Arkansas Blue Cross matched employees’ donations 2 to 1. A total of $20,000 went to the Arkansas chapter of the American Red Cross for its disaster relief efforts in the state.

“Arkansas Blue Cross employees have shown a commitment to volunteering in their communities time after time,” said President and CEO Curtis Barnett. “After the recent tornadoes, our team members quickly pitched in to help, giving both their time and their money. I could not be prouder of the work they are doing to help those affected by the storms.”

Arkansas Blue Cross and its family of companies also made assistance available to members in other ways.

Eligible members covered by Arkansas Blue Cross, Health Advantage or BlueAdvantage Administrators of Arkansas were given a one-time, 10-day emergency refill on maintenance medications.

The company provided pharmacy benefit exceptions to our members who lost their medications in the destruction from the storm and offered counseling services to members in need of emotional support. A dedicated crisis line was also activated for members in need of emotional support at no cost to the member.

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